Thursday, September 30, 2021

Would you rather Round 4!

 Kia ora Bloggers would you rather be able to not move for a whole day or not be able to talk for a whole day.

I would rather not be able to not talk for a whole day because i can just tell them what I want to say on a paper and use some of the sign language that I have learned. I also would not talk because Sometimes when you don´t talk you can still tell when people nod there sometimes they say yes,no and come and if I don´t talk then the house will be a little more quiet. That is why I would rather be able to not talk for a whole day.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Mental heath

 Kia ora Bloggers today I am going to be Blogging about what help me with my mental health.

One of the Activities that help me with mental health is playing Basketball because it is my favourite sport and when I play Basketball I feel happy. I like playing with my friends and my family because I also get to have fun. When I see the ball go in the hoop or swish I feel calm and happy

It calms me down because when the ball swishes in the hoop it sounds satisfying and I can also practice while I try to calm myself down at the same time.

The Rules Of Basketball |

Monday, September 13, 2021

American akita and Japanese akita

 Kia ora Bloggers Today I am going to be Blogging about akitas.

Akitas have two types American Akitas and Japanese Akitas. The difference between the two is that the American akitas are heavier and come in a number of different colours. Their coat colours they come in are white,black.chocolate And brindle . 

American Akita - Is This Dog Right For You?

They are brave enough to protect themselves and their owner. Their are friendly,responsive ,dignified and courageous. A Japanese akita Comes in four colours white,brindle sesame and red fawn.

And there you go that is some information on Akitas

Friday, September 10, 2021

Would you rather be round 3

 Kia ora Bloggers would you rather be a Astronaut or a Deep Sea Diver.

I would rather be an astronaut because I think it would be cool to see all the other planets and I also want to explore to see if aliens are a real thing, But if I was Deep Sea Diver Maybe I would see a sea monster or sea serpent. I also wanna be a astronaut because then I would be the 13th person to walk on the moon and I would get to explore low gravity. 

That is why I want to be an Astronaut

Comment what you would rather be.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Madlib story

 Kia ora Bloggers today I made A madlib Story a madlib story is a short silly story that sometimes you giggle a little. Here is mine.

Today I went to my favourite Taco Stand called the Dark Eagle. Unlike most food stands, they cook and prepare the food in a Bike while you Bake. The best thing on the menu is the Yellow Dabber. Instead of ground beef they fill the taco with Avocado, cheese, and top it off with a salsa made from Ice cream. If that doesn't make your mouth water, then it's just like Lisa Carrington always says: I love tacos!

Comment If you have made a Madlib story.